I haven't posted anything for a year. Well, I got a new job that kept me very busy!! Also, I have been reexamining my relationship with food. Our household was eating way to much processed food, gluten and sugar. I have been on a mission to try to eat healthier. I am now on a mission to eat healthier and for it to taste good! My goal this summer is to post delicious and healthy recipes. Some things may be a disaster, some will be hits. I have a new admiration and love of quinoa. It will probably be showing up a lot on posts, especially ways to use up the leftover quinoa. Lives are busy, cooking has to be doable. The reason we turn to to processed food is because it is easy. While I know that I am a better cook than the factory that makes the frozen pizza, it is far easier to open the freezer that to knead a clump of dough. Being a teacher, I have time to play this summer to be a better, healthier home cook.